Hawk's Aerial Photography  
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Hawk's Aerial Photography has been serving the Sacramento, California, area since 1979.


I'm John Hockenbury, the proprietor of Hawk's Aerial Photography for more than 25 years. I am a member of the Professional Aerial Photographers Association.

My specialty is oblique aerials of construction progress -- that is, a series of photographs taken during construction phases. I also have extensive experience shooting commercial and residential obliques.

"Producing top quality photographs is a chain of events allowing no weak links"....thus, my expertise, experience, and equipment will give you the best results possible.


My plane is a Piper Tri-Pacer (PA-22), a very stable platform for aerial photography. We fly over Northern California, primarily the Sacramento region.

To ensure the best clarity, I shoot my photos through the open window, not through the plexiglass pane. A portable GPS guides me to the exact longitude and latitude of each site.

If you prefer extreme wide-angle or low-altitude photos, we can also produce excellent oblique aerials from a Robinson helicopter.


The digital camera is one of Canon's latest SLRs, delivering excellent resolution for all your needs.

My film camera is a Pentax 6x7 medium format. The large 2 1/4" x 2 3/4" negatives -- more than four times the area of 35mm negatives -- produce enlargements with outstanding color and detail.

My camera equipment includes a number of wide-angle and telephoto lenses. I use a professional laboratory for film processing and print enlargements to guarantee products of the highest quality.

All of our work is custom, and we will gladly work with you to meet your photographic needs.


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